6.4 What Is Controlled Traffic?
paddock is divided into crop zones and wheel zones on a permanent basis.
CTF can be carried out with any type of seeding system and is particularly
suitable for ground that is regularly deep ripped. Machine and implement
working widths are matched, eg the spray boom can be double or triple the
width of the seeder. (Matching the harvest is not considered essential if
soil conditions at harvest are dry.) Spacing of load bearing wheels on
machines and implements is synchronised. Tines are removed behind the
tractor wheels and seed and fertiliser diverted.
Overlaps eliminated for all operations
Reduced inputs of fuel, etc
Improved timeliness of operation
Improved yields
Reduced operator fatigue especially when spraying in
poor light conditions
Lower tractor power requirements
Better rainfall infiltration
Reduced reliance on foam markers
Greater operating efficiency
6.4 What Is Controlled Traffic?
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